Despite the perfect weather (our only complaint being that a few extra knots of breeze would have helped now and then) only three boats turned out. Us (with Anni, Julie, Terina and Karina on board and Dayna for Sunday), Maria in Holy Spirit and Jenni and Kelly in Alcyone. The first race from Kirribili to Taylor Bay was quick. The boats all finished in size order, which continued all weekend. Only the times on handicap will tell us who came where. There was some question as to wether Alcyone started early and Maria contemplated a protest but eventually it was decided that self timing made it unfair to object.

We decided to start the second race early and get down to Manly ahead of schedule. We didn't start too well as we were anxious not to have the motor running after the 5 minute cut off. Neil, on board Holy Spirit since Top Knot's mast still isn't replaced, says you can do a 360 turn as exoneration if you run the motor for longer. But we ended up struggling in almost no wind to the line and as a result had a very slow start. It took us ages to pass Holy Spirit so I suspect a third in this race is inevitable.

We anchored at Store Beach for a yummy lunch provided by the crew with Julie as the mistress in charge. Fresh seafood from the fishmarket followed by a chicken she had cooked in her brand new slow cooker. It was a triumph. Then we motored to Manly to drop off Karina and collect Dayna. We joined Holy Spirit who'd picked up a mooring at 40 Baskets for the evening. Neil planned to cook chowder and luckily for us the pot wouldn't fit on Maria's stove. In return for use of our galley we were fed too. Much wine and hot buttered rum followed on a still and lovely evening. I suspect a Neil plot to get the crew hungover for the next day.
Maria collected Karina for us the next morning at Many along with extra crew for Holy Spirit. The third race started off Quarantine and finished at Obelisk (one for the boys) and the final race started there and ended at Athol Bay after a very slow float around Clark Island as the breeze dropped. It picked up for Holy Spirit so they caught us up quite a bit at the finish.
We now await the results - Neil ? Dayna ??