We started from Taylor Bay and we were the first across the line having taken care to stay out of the notorious dead zones further in to shore. The we encountered a windless hole which stopped our progress somewhat for a while. But fortunately before Laine in Topknot and Scott in Leapfrog could catch up to us we found the wind and cruised off. Tacking up to Lady Bay we dodged ferries and a big freighter heading into the harbour. And a fleet of Lazers zipping around off Nielsen Park.

On the run to Clark Island we put the pole up which we had almost never done before. Unfortunately when we came to take it down we discovered it had gone up upside down so took a while to unhook. Still, you live and learn. Then a couple of tacks back to the wedding cake of Watson's Bay where we found several of the aforementioned tinnies fishing off the lighthouse. Resisting the temptation to scare the sleeping fellow in one of them we rounded the mark and reached back to Taylor Bay well ahead of the other two boats. Nice!
For a picnic on board we were joined by Laine and crew but not by Scott whose crew had too many hangovers to stay. We decided to fill the fuel tank on the way home in preparation for the Broken Bay trip on Friday. Turns out D'Albora marina fuel service closes at 4.30! not very boatie friendly at all. So we filled the water tanks, emptied the spare fuel tank and found that was enough to top up the main tank.

Then a motor home to Balmain in the dying day. Too lazy to put up the sails.
One of these days we may get some results. But don't hold your breath as we are still waiting for the Winter Series places much less Spring or, heaven forbid, Summer results.