The ASCC Annual Prizegiving Dinner was held on July 4th at the CYC. Tony Tyson made a wonderful toast to the club and talked about how our club is not about a place but the people and the community spirit we share and foster.
Cheshire Cat won the winter series and we scored a very nice trophy. As it was the only series we entered we are pleased with ourselves.
I also won all three places in the photo competition! Mainly because Dayna didn't enter and Mike McCabe who also takes lovely photos didn't get his entries in on time. Still I'm not complaining. It was judged by Angela Catterns. She is obviously very discerning. The prize is a digital photo frame. It wasn't plugged in which is why it is blank black.
Third - Coming home after the winter series
Second - Chris Mugden's steam boat in front of Mathilde at Broken Bay
First - Early morning in Castle Lagoon, Broken Bay This is the one that I think most epitomises the club and the cameraderie we share. It didn't even get a mention.
And Helen and I presented the inaugural "HELP" Award to an absent John Harris for his seemingly endless willingness to hlp me and others out of difficulties on water. So congrats John.
This is Helen and I with the trophy - a lighthouse - in the background.