After getting a nice clean shiny bottom and with the depth sounder working at last Cheshire Cat and crew of Anni, Jenni and John headed for Broken Bay for a small R&R and to meet up with the ASCC for the Commodore's Cocktail Party on the Friday night at Akuna Bay. Deirdre fortified us with coffee and hot cross buns and we set off with following winds but a very rough sea. John managed to wrench his already bad shoulder just out of the heads and we all began to feel a bit queasy, some more than others. I resorted to a Quells which helped a bit.
Travelling northAs John is now a Marine Rescue volunteer we had some inside information on the service. In spite of us calling up Marine Rescue Sydney their counterpart Marine Rescue Port Jackson kept responding. But they didn't actually log us on so Marine Rescue Sydney then had to come to the rescue as it were and enter us into the computer.
After a bumpy but not too lengthy trip we were all very glad to round Barrenjoey and get into calmer water.
Much happier now - Lion Island in the bg
We sailed for a bit but the wind eventually died away and we resorted to the engine. After poking into Pinta Bay looking for a mooring but finding them all taken we decided to try Castle Lagoon, a favorite sheltered spot, and lo and behold as we rounded the hidden entrance there was an empty mooring! It was a relief to secure ourselves and open a very nice bottle of champagne. Deirdre had also cooked chicken Marengo for us and sent the history of the dish as some educative entertainment. We had a lovely peaceful evening, too much red wine and a good sleep.
The morning was beautiful, calm and sunny. Perfect Broken Bay weather. After a leasuirely breakfast we motored on down to Akuna Bay where we berthed in the marina. As the wind had picked up I struggled to get into the allocated berth. Probably should have been content to go in forwards given the gusts but was determined to try and back in. It was not to be. Even John couldn't get us in so we took another berth further in and turned the boat around by hand. I was very glad later that night that we had as a stomach bug meant a few late night trips to the bathrooms which were mercifully very close by.
John and Jenni were collected by Deirdre and then the other three ASCC boats arrived. Afternoon Delight berthed next to Cheshire Cat and Doriana and Quest were on the next arm. A pleasant afternoon of reading! chatting and some afternoon smackerells before the cocktail-less cocktail party got under way. The marina had put up a sign welcoming us and put out some magazines and floating key rings for us. Noice!
It was not a late night but a very disturbed one for me. Mike had kindly agreed to be my crew for the trip back to Coasters so after everyone had breakfasted and packed up we headed back up the creek.
Mike in chargeIt was another lovely sunny day so we stopped at Hallets Beach for a lunch stop. The boys went for a swim and shower under the waterfall at Cottage Rock while I basked in the sun and recuperated.
Following QuestWe found the last mooring close to the jetty at Coasters but as the afternoon wore on several boats left and there were spots close by for Doriana and Quest. A little homophobia from a very drunk stink boat owner was unpleasant but he didn't persist fortunately.
Dawn at CoatersThe morning ferry brought Dayna and Julie to sail back down the coast.
Laine and Neil wave goodbyeAnother sunny day was a bit spoiled by headwinds. But we decided to sail so while it was a long day it was very pleasant. Sadly no wildlife joined us on the trip home although we were hoping. We finally picked up the mooring at about 6pm. A short adventure but sweet.